Home Events Bodybuilding event: Encouraging the young bodybuilders

Bodybuilding event: Encouraging the young bodybuilders

Bodybuilding event in East Bangalore
Bodybuilding event in East Bangalore

A Bodybuilding event was organised by A&A Gym, a small gym in East part of Bangalore focused on building young kids who just can’t afford to join the so called big and expensive Gyms of India. The competition was judged for free by the expert bodybuilders of WefitIndia.com, also the top three performers were given free goodies from the WefitIndia.com team.

The young boys those took part in the competition were probably not the ones fed with the most expensive protein powder or with the dozes of creatine or glutamine, but were the ones who had built their physique with hard work, dedication and proper nutrition. Indeed India has the right talent and the hard work but unfortunately the power of spending money on expensive diet and supplements required for bodybuilding lies in the hands of the most of the people who have the bulging bellies and who lack the hard work and dedication to transform their physique. The interesting part of the competition was that it had a competitor who was crippled with both legs but had an awesome upper body; he won the hearts of the judges and eventually a much deserved consolation prize.


Top three winners of the bodybuilding competition
Top three winners of the conest
Top two winners of the bodybuilding competition
Top two winners of the conest
Bodybuilder with crippled legs
The contestant with crippled legs
Bodybuilding competitors with WefitIndia.com team
Bodybuilding competitors with WefitIndia.com team
WefitIndia bodybuilding event
Top two boys with the best physique
WefitIndia.com bodybuilding judge taking off his shirt for the kids
WefitIndia.com judge and a fitness trainer Imran taking off his shirt for the boys